Welcome to Missouri Child, Inc. |
Missouri Child, Inc. is a comprehensive child development program which serve children birth to age 5 years and their families. It is a child-focused program having the overall goal of increasing the social competence of young children from low-income families. By “social competence” is meant the child’s everyday effectiveness in dealing with both his or her present environment and later responsibilities in school and life. Social competence takes into account the interrelatedness of social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development.
MCI fosters the role of parents as the primary educators and nurturers, of and advocates for, their children. Therefore, MCI works in close partnership with parents to assist them in developing and utilizing individual and family strengths in order to successfully meet personal and family objectives. Parents are encouraged to become involved in all aspects of the program, from participation in children’s activities to direct involvement in policy and program decisions. MCI is committed to cultivating partnerships within the community. Through the establishment of meaningful links with community organizations and programs focused upon early childhood development, family support, health, and education, MCI ensures that children and families receive an array of individualized services, and that community resources are used in an efficient and effective manner. MCI strives for excellence in program management that supports the provision of quality services for children and families. Policy groups, representative of MCI parents and the larger community, and strong governing bodies play a critical role in overseeing the implementation of MCI legislation, regulations, and policies. A strong focus on staff training and development helps to ensure that children and families are served by individuals with the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to provide high quality, comprehensive services. The MCI Program Performance Standards are designed to ensure that the MCI goals and objectives are implemented successfully, that the MCI philosophy continues to thrive, and that we maintain the highest possible quality in the provision of MCI services. MCI Policies and Procedures have been developed to ensure the appropriate implementation of MCI Performance Standards. MCI services for children with disabilities are fully integrated into all areas of program services. We are committed to providing the full range of services to all children in our care. MCI serves children and families in Laclede, Camden, Maries, Phelps, Pulaski, Gasconade, Crawford and Miller Counties of Missouri. We welcome you to our family and hope that you will become a part of our long tradition. Sincerely, Steven O'Brien Executive Director Missouri Child, Inc. |
Missouri Child, Inc. Policies and Procedures are not currently available to the general public. For access please call (417)425-7517.